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Day 4: Giveaway for a Free Social Media Assessment

Friday, January 5th, 2018

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Winner Winner, Cake for Dinner!

Yesterday’s giveaway had a ton of entries! And who can blame all of you for entering? Erica’s cakes are delicious!! The winner though is Nicole Derrick!! Congratulations lady! I will be in touch to give you all the details very soon.

Todays Giveaway:

I can’t believe we are on day four of the giveaway! Today I am giving away a full free social media assessment. I am passionate about helping others figure out how to make their social media work for them. So often I see people bemoan the algorithm of Facebook and Instagram, feeling like what they are putting out is not being seen. And you know what? It’s true. I cannot sugarcoat this, things have changed. But I also have some tricks up my sleeve on how to make yourself be more visible on both platforms.

Social Media Assessment

Over the past year I have rocked with everyone in the changes on Instagram, and felt the pangs of seeing my likes and engagement drop. I also saw tremendous growth and am steadily booking clients from both Facebook and Instagram, which is the goal, is it not? On Instagram I gained over 3,000 followers in one year, and on Facebook over 1,000. And although the likes are nice, what truly matters is how I communicate on these platforms to bring me paying customers.

The Social Media Assessment

With this social media assessment, it’s a deep dive into both Instagram and Facebook. I analyze your posts from the past 6 months on both platforms, from wording or posts, to quality of images; from engagement to your color story. I look into everything. I then send you an itemized list that is well over 10 pages in length of things to work on, which are obviously at your discretion to adopt. This social media assessment has a value of $200 and will truly help someone who is struggling with their social media and they don’t know why.

Enter for your chance to win below! Double your chances by heading to my Instagram @swishnclick and tag 2 friends on my latest giveaway post that are also pissed at all the algorithm changes and could use a fresh set of eyes on their social media and I will enter your name twice in to the giveaway!

The winner will be chosen at random and announced January 6th before 2pm. Check back on the blog to find out who the lucky person is!

Good luck!

xoxo Christine


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Giveaway Rules: No purchase necessary to enter or win. Day Four of the Swish + Click Photography giveaway starts Thursday January 5th, 2017 and ends tomorrow, January 6th, at 7:00 am. By entering, your email will be added to my email list, which you can unsubscribe from at any point.


  1. Thu Nguyen says:

    Hey Christine,
    It’s me, Thu from work ??
    I just want to say hi and congratulation for your new website!!!!
    Also, i want to be more professional in every postes in my Instagram but i am pretty lost right now. That’s why i join into this give away and hopefully my goal could be accomplished ??
    Thanks boo ♥️
    Love you and miss you

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