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What to Wear for Your Engagement Session: Men’s Guide

Tuesday, March 7th, 2017

Two weeks ago I wrote a guide to help women with what to wear for their engagement session, today it’s all about the men. Men sometimes get forgotten or are an after thought. I don’t like that. Men make up the feel of an image just as much as a woman does. Sure they don’t typically have long hair to get styled but they still need to look good, and feel good going into the pictures.

What to Wear for your Engagement Session

Get Dressy

Living in the south, specifically in Texas, people own farms or grew up on one. There is this natural instinct from the guy to wear jeans in these pictures. If I am being honest here, jeans are simply casual for engagement pictures. So swap out those jeans you love for well tailored gray or navy slacks. And if you are feeling frisky, get the jacket that goes with it. Looking well maintained in your engagement pictures will translate handsomely to your images.

brides smiles during engagement session at the Peach Orchard in Houston Texas by Swish and Click Photography


In the Houston heat, this is one of my least favored pieces of advice, but trust me, it looks so good! Fellas, I would invest in a blazer, vest or jacket to pair with your shirt. It gives you several different looks for the camera and just looks well put together. If you have ever been in a department store and seen those mannequins with several layers, then you know know what I am talking about. So while you are out buying this new gray or navy slacks, also pick up a blazer or vest at the same time.


What looks best for my style of photography, men complimenting their partners look is what looks best. A lot of the time the colors are picked based off what looks good on the woman in your life. The good news? You can wear a ton of neutral colors to compliment her, meaning you will look great regardless. Gray or light blue slacks always look good. Wearing more neutral tones on your top, or coordinating colors to what your partner is wearing will look great. If they are wearing whites or pinks, you can wear creams and grays. And in case you get stuck, don’t be afraid to email me and ask.

couples kisses during their engagement session at McGovern Centennial Gardens in Houston Texas by Swish and Click Photography


So you have your outfit planned out up to the details. If you got the jacket to go with slacks, you might want to add a bit of personality to the pocket square. If it coordinates with the overall aesthetic, I say go for it! Also, don’t forget about shoes. Can we just agree that running shoes and flip flops are inappropriate? Great! Dress shoes are preferred, but we live in the south, and I know cowboy boots are deeply loved. Honestly, they look great under gray slacks, so you won’t hear me complain about it. Lastly, I want you to have fun with your ties, belts and socks. As long as they are not phallic in nature, and coordinate, I feel this is where you can infuse some of your personality into your outfit. Have fun with it! Want to show your love for your favorite sports team or superhero, let’s do it.

couple kisses during a session at 1940's air terminal in Houston Texas by Swish and Click Photography


Let’s face it, you typically won’t be getting hair and makeup professionally done. That doesn’t mean you don’t need to do some prep work for your grooming. A lot of men these days have beards or longer hair. So why not make an appointment the day before the engagement session to get a shave or trim to your beard? A week before, get your hair trimmed? Taking care of yourself is just as important as your partner getting her hair and makeup done. Plus it gives you a good confidence boost, knowing you look badass.

That’s it! My favorite tips!! Now that you two are looking and feeling amazing, might I suggest a fun date night for you two after your engagement session?

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couple poses during a session in Houston Texas



Houston wedding photographer Christine Wright laughs in a white dress Swish and Click Photography based in Houston Texas

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