Can I just come out and say how obsessed I am with Carson + Katy’s marriage proposal? And when I say obsessed, I am not being dramatic. Carson put a lot of thought and effort into this proposal, wanting it to be personal, fun with just a dash of nerd. And honestly, can we really say that Harry Potter is nerdy anymore? Let’s dig into this amazing Harry Potter engagement!
The Set-Up

Carson decided not to risk inclement weather and rented a studio for the proposal–The Houston Studio! She had a vision of balloons in her head, and when I informed her of Big Ass Balloons, that’s when the magic started to happen. She got some amazing balloons, spelling the words “Marry Me” and two large balloons filled with confetti on the side.
Carson + Katy are also passionate Harry Potter fans, so to add a bit of personality to the proposal, Carson made a golden snitch to put the ring into. As well, the confetti in the big balloons were Harry Potter house colors: Ravenclaw and Hufflepuff! These touches were so subtle, but oh so perfect!!!!
Cason confessed that she has never successfully lied to Katy, that Katy can sniff out any deception on Carson’s part. So when it came time to get Katy to the studio, she had to be tricky. Thankfully it was their anniversary, so Carson said that Katy’s gift was on-location and was keeping the location a secret.
Harry Potter Engagement

When Katy walked through the doors, she saw the balloons right away and stopped in her tracks, shocked. Which quickly turned to elation! She had no idea, and apparently had been sad the previous night about waiting to be done school before her and Carson would be engaged. For someone who struggles with keeping things from her significant other, Carson did a masterful job!
The Session

Carson + Katy were so fun for the rest of the shoot! Carson brought silly string and confetti bombs, which looked pretty epic with the backdrop of the balloons. Since Carson + Katy are not big on the lovely-dovey pictures, we took a more fun, whimsical take on the pictures, which I feel capture their personality and relationship to a tee.
We ended the session by creating a boomerang video of popping the confetti balloons, which might be my favorite ending to a session ever.

More Sessions and Tips:
Top 5 Elegantly Nerdy Themes for your Wedding
Hufflepuff Wedding Inspiration
Get your own Session!

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